Sunday, November 23, 2008

haven't really been content with anything i've shot lately, but happy to give these images a home on my blog.


Chris said...

Focus and depth of field are pin point accurate, as always. Like the anonymity of this shot too, Lauren.

I'm starting to feel that Flickr isn't the best place to share your best stuff - its getting bombarded with pornography and fetish material, which is all well and good in its place, but kind of detracts from quality work, such as yours.
You need to use your JPG account more, methinks ;-)

Unknown said...

These photos are great Lauren! Really sexy. Looks like that makes two of us from Brooklyn.

Unknown said...

it's been a while since i've checked here for updates. i'm really liking these, lauren! keep up the great work. ~ le touriste occasionell said...

The individual is always their worst critic. Although I've never had the background you do I still understand what you mean. There are very few of my images that I'm happy with.... always thinking to myself, "why bother"? Ah, maybe someday.

Not to be argumentive, but I disagree with another poster's comment. Flickr may not be the best place but it's certainly not the worst. I wouldn't know about the pornography and such, but then I don't go looking for it.